Universities to report on Student Assessment Policies

Pic: Elmond Jiyane, GCIS: Minister for Higher Education and Training, Mr Blade Ndzimande

Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande, announced that all the 26 public universities processes on external moderation and examination are on point.

He said student evaluation and assessment procedures must be explicitly stated in the Student Assessment Policies and Procedures of each university in accordance with Criterion 6.

The process is part of a programme accreditation prerequisite, as stated by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) in accordance with its programme accreditation criteria.

Moderators are appointed in terms of clear criteria and procedures and conduct their responsibilities in terms of clear guidelines.

At least one external examiner must be utilized for the examination and moderation of dissertations.

“Their expertise to serve as external examiners is in accordance with the criteria for programme accreditation.

“The actual external examiners change and evolve continuously, regardless of whether they are from South African or international institutions,” Minister Nzimande said.