No books due to NSFAS late payments


Late payment of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has put students under tremendous pressure as they could not buy their books on time.

Some of the students received their books and meal allowances during this test week leaving them with no time to prepare for the first quarter test.
“We have to prepare for tests and some don’t even have prescribed textbooks, we are wondering what is expected with this situation because students were not able to prepare for these tests.

“It is very challenging, we have no time to rest and all this tests and assignments are very challenging,” said David Chuene, one of the students.
He said some of the students have still not received their allowances and still do not have prescribed text books and this cannot be fair on needy students.
As a result, it has not been an easy week for the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) students due to the short time they had to prepare for their first quarter tests.

Against all odds, some of the students remained positive and have put effort in their studies while others complained with the short period to prepare.
Students were expected to write three to four tests during the test week, and have encountered problems balancing school work with their personal problems as some are still waiting for their allowances for to be able to afford meals.