Student Band showcase at the International Cape Town Jazz Festival

Mbali Sebokedi

This week I bring you the activities that took place in the week leading up to the International Cape Town Jazz Festival.

The highlights started with the Music and Career Performance, where various high school bands had the opportunity to showcase their talent at the Artscape after 7 weeks of preparation.

Pic by Samson Baranga: Music and Career Performance audience

The Green Market Free Concert has been on the programme since the creation of the Jazz Festival. I had the opportunity to meet the locals and hear their stories. Like Liso, for example, who has been to many Free Concerts in support of fellow musician friends. He sees the concert as a place to unwind and just enjoy the music and believes that it is great for the community.

There was also Eleanor from Philippi who said it was her first time at the concert. When asked about the vibe she said that as soon as she arrived she was reminded of the spirit felt at the 1994 Rugby World Cup.

Pic: Samson Baranga: Liso

I also had the privilege of watching talented musicians both local and international.

Pic: Lebo Mokolane: Nomfundo Xaluva
Tom Misch
Pic: Lebo Mokolane: Laura Mvula

All in all, it was a great show and all the performers gave it their  all.