Local program offers a helping hand to learners

Thokozani Makena giving a lesson

The Thuto Keya Rona Tutoring Institution in Soshanguve, Block H acts as a bridge for primary and secondary level learners to perform well at school by offering extra lessons.

Thokozani Makena (25), tutor and founder of the tutoring program, saw a need to assist and contribute to the understanding and success of Soshanguve learners on their school subjects. The program offers learners homework and assignment assistance and after-school tutoring by qualified volunteer tutors.

The founders of the program observed the number of challenges faced by school children such as not having good support system at home in terms of home work assistance especially learners who live with grandparents.

“Public schools are overpopulated. Class rooms have more than 50 learners per class, it’s difficult for them to understand the lessons and they do not get the attention they need from the teachers when there is something they don’t understand,” Mr Makena said.

Learners of the program

He explained that due to the policies set for teachers, learners stay behind on their lessons.

“Some learners are not quick to understand lessons due to time placed on when chapters should be completed, that way learners stand behind because of limited time. It is a problem when a high school learner does not know how to read and write,” he added.

The program offers lessons on Mathematics, Physical Science and Geography. Amidst the tutors of the institution are university students such as Tshililo (22), a TUT Chemical Engineering student who tutors Mathematics and Physical science.

“I grew up around people who love books, which is something I picked up on, as a person who is passionate about helping, I saw a gap left by school teachers on teaching learners, so I decided to come and offer assistance,” Tshililo said.

The program also offers lesson opportunities to the elderly to be able read and write. The oldest learner the program has had is a 53-year-old.

Each learner is charged R250 per month. The money is used to keep the program running and different sponsors assist the institution for a specified period of time. Funding remains a problem for the institution.