Training of Campus Safety Student Cadets


The Campus Safety Student Cadets program will be implemented at the various colleges and universities with effect from 1 January 2019. Students who are currently studying Safety in Society and Policing in colleges and universities will be recruited to undergo a 12 weeks program at designated SAPS Academies throughout the country for professional preparation as Campus Safety Student Cadets.

The initiative will also provide selected students with an opportunity to complete their mandatory Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and internship to acquire critical skills and practical experience in campus policing. It is anticipated that the program will create about 2,500 youth jobs for college and university students. This experience will improve their chance of employability once they have completed their 12 months experiential learning.

According to Stephen Ngobeni from the Campus Safety Support Services, this initiative will bring innovation into the fight against campus crimes. The introduction of campus safety student cadets will bring new creative ideas in the realm of campus safety, including the use of social media in the promotion of educational programs and campaigns to create a new culture and attitudes to campus crimes.

Colleges are faced with an ageing campus safety personnel, most of whom are between 40 to 65 years and cannot connect with the 16 to 30 years old student population. How do we bridge the communication gap and messaging to this youthful population on the adverse effects of misconduct?

The Campus Safety Student Cadets will be mainly deployed to perform non-combative services to the campus of their deployment including administrative duties, recording and analysis of campus crime statistics, ushering services at official events, orientation programs, educational programs and campaigns. Campus Safety Student Cadets will also be actively involved in the promotion of extra-curricular activities to create alternative diversion programs for student communities. In this way, the Campus Safety Student Cadets will be actively involved in the creation of a safer and crime free campus culture.

The Campus Safety Student Cadets Program Model at Campus Safety Support Services NPC

The tripartite partnership amongst the Campus Safety Support Services (CASSS), the South African Police Services (SAPS) and the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) will ensure that the student cadets not only receive fit-for-purpose competency-based training, but also ensure that the interns are vetted by SAPS and PSIRA to qualify to operate in the campus safety environment.

Colleges and universities that are interested to register their students (only those studying or have completed a Safety in Society or Policing qualification) for the Campus Safety Student Cadets Program should contact the Campus Safety Support Services at 012-717-2071 or