Student Leadership Invited to Participate in the School and Campus Safety Summit


Crime statistics in the education sector, indicates that schools, colleges and universities are equally affected by crime on their premises of learning, including crimes that a perpetrated by learners and students against on or against each other.

The Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP) recent National School Violence Study shows that that 15.3% of children at primary and secondary schools have experienced some form of violence while at school, most commonly threats of violence, assaults and robbery.

On the other hand, most colleges and university have experienced an upsurge in violent campus crimes, including killing, rape and assault of students. To win the fight against all forms of crimes in school grounds and campuses, student leaders must play an active role in finding sustainable solutions.

In this regard, the Ministry for Police has extended an invitation to various national bodies representing students in schools, colleges and universities to attend, participate and contribute in the School and Campus Safety Summit to be held on 11-14 July 2017 at the University of the Western Cape in Bellville.

The Congress of South African Students (COSAS) will represent learners in the basic education sector and highlight challenges of crime in schools nationwide.

The South African Further Education and Training Student Association (SAFETSA) will represent the college learning communities, whilst the South African Union of Students (SAUS) will represent the student constituency in the university sector.