Student Times has partnered with the Campus Safety Support Services NPC towards the promotion of awareness of campus crimes especially in colleges and universities in South Africa.
The Campus Crimes Watch initiative will seek to highlight the prevalence of campus crimes in colleges and universities across the country.
Student Times will launch a special social media campaign to invite students and staff at the various institutions of learning to send campus crime alerts or incident reports for publication in the online news platform.
Various institutions will also be invited to report on their campus crime prevention initiatives as part of their efforts to educate their campus communities about potential criminal threats on their respective campuses.
According to Bongani Mkongi – Deputy Minister of Police – the level of campus safety in colleges and universities is not ideal for the protection of campus communities.
“What makes the situation worse and unpredictable is the fact that there are no reliable statistics on campus crimes in colleges and universities in South Africa. So, we do not know what we are dealing with except for those incidents that are reported in the media”.
The USA has in place the Jeanne Clery Act that forces colleges and universities to record and report on campus crime statistics.
Hopefully the Campus Crime Watch will contribute in a small but meaningful way towards highlighting campus crimes in colleges and universities in South Africa. Campus crime alerts or incidences can be reported to