TVET Colleges outstanding certificate release update


The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has made major strides in clearing the bulk of the outstanding Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges examination results and certificates backlog.

More than two million subject results for the November 2016 examinations have so far been processed and released. The final outstanding and pending results were officially released to TVET colleges started from, March 2017.

This means that all outstanding November 2016 results have now been released. A further 450 subject results that were suspended due to suspicions of acts of dishonesty have also been cleared following thorough investigations. In addition, a total of 2 180 of the 33 297 outstanding National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) certificates, dating as far back as November 2007 is progressing.

This represents significant progress that has been made considering that the number of outstanding NVC certificates, now at 29 583, have decreased from a staggering 236 821 in August 2015.
The department stated that the bulk of outstanding certificates is due to data problems emanating from TVET colleges, such as data capturing errors and authentication of identity numbers and other personal information.

The Department is also busy with another parallel clean-up process for outstanding results on the NATED Report 190/1 examinations system prior to the November 2016 examinations and it is expected that any outstanding NATED certificates will all be released by 30 June 2017.

The Department acknowledges the key role played by both the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) and the quality assurer, Umalusi, in ensuring the speedy finalisation of the results for the November 2016 examinations.
All students are advised to request their results and certificates directly from their respective colleges

The Department is also appealing for patience as certificates are released in batches, as and when they have been approved and processed for release by the quality assurer, Umalusi.